Suwa Yorimitsu (諏訪頼満)

Yorimitsu SUWA

He was born in the late Muromachi period. He was from the Suwa clan, the ohori family (the highest rank of the saints in Shinto).

He was born in the Sengoku period (period of warring states). He was from the Suwa clan, the soryo (government) family.

Yorimitsu SUWA (Governor of Iyo Province)

Yorimitsu SUWA (year of birth unknown-1483), a person in the Muromachi period. He was a son of Aritsugu (有継) SUWA. He was a younger brother of Nobumitsu SUWA. He was the father of Yorinaga SUWA and Tsugumitsu (継満) SUWA. Ohori. The Governor of Iyo Province.

To separate church and state, Nobumitsu, the older brother became the soryo (heir) and Yorimitsu became the ohori. This caused factionalization of the Suwa clan and Yorimitsu was often opposed to the soryo, Nobumitsu. The confrontation lasted into the generation of Masamitsu SUWA (the soryo family) and Tsugumitsu (継満) (the ohori family), finally in 1483, in cooperation with the Kanasashi clan and the Takato clan Tsugumitsu (継満) murdered Masamitsu and his subordinates (Bunmei no Naiko, the internal strife in the Bunmei era). However retainers of the soryo family counterattacked Tsugumitsu (継満) and he fled to Ina County. In the confusion, Yorimitsu, who already retired at that time, was killed because he was ill in bed and not able to escape.

Yorimitsu SUWA (Governor of Aki Province)

Yorimitsu SUWA (1473-January 27, 1540) was a busho (Japanese military commander) in the Sengoku period. He was the family head of the Suwa clan, a family of Sengoku daimyo (Japanese territorial lord in the Sengoku period) in Sinano Province. He was a son of Masamitsu SUWA and grand father of Yorishige SUWA (in the Sengoku period). His childhood name was Miyahoshimaru. His hogo, a Buddhist name was Hekiunsai. The Governor of Aki Province.

On February 24, 1483, Tsugumitsu (継満) SUWA from the Suwa clan (the ohori family), Okiharu KANASASHI (the Suwa shimosha Kanasashi clan) and Tsugumune (継宗) TAKATO (the Takato clan) carried out a revolt (Bunmei no Naiko) and because Masamitsu, Yorimitsu's father and older brother were killed, Yorimitsu took over as head of the family at the age of 10. After he grow up, he exiled Masaharu KANASASHI, a son of Okiharu KANASASHI to Kai Province and forced Yoritsugu TAKATO, a son of Tsugumune (継宗) TAKATO to surrender, so he unified Suwa County area and fought against Nobutora TAKEDA in Kai who helped Masaharu. In 1528, he smashed the Nobutora force at Sakai-gawa River, Godo on a frontier (present-day Fujimi-cho, Suwa County, Nagano Prefecture) and actively expanded his territory. He was called "Chuko no So"(the founder of a renaissance) of the Suwa clan because the Suwa clan had the most prosperous time under his leadership.

On May 25, 1530, his legitimate son Yoritaka suddenly passed away earlier than Yorimitsu at the age of 31 and in 1534, he transferred the head of the family to his legitimate grandchild Yorishige SUWA (the Sengoku period), entered into priesthood and called himself Hekiunsai. In 1531, he supported kokujin ryoshu (local samurai lord) in Kai Province but lost the Kawarabe Battle (Nirasaki City, Yamanashi Prefecture) and made peace with Nobutora in 1535. He let Yorishige marry the daughter of Nobutora and attacked Nagamune OGASAWARA together, however he died of illness at the age of 67 because a tumor on his back became worse.

[Original Japanese]